Thursday, October 31, 2019

Presentation Essentials IP Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presentation Essentials IP Week 5 - Essay Example The examples listed in the topic discussion give real evidence on some of the successful entrepreneurs that have managed to apply interesting business ideas. For instance, it mentions Magic Johnson who used his savings from the property he got from the repairs he made after buying a house. The intended audiences for the topic discussions include; business personnel and entrepreneurs who are aiming at making huge profits from their savings and money meant for business (Howell-Carey & Carey, 2004). Research sources My research sources on the topic include; ‘Learning About Lakefront Property by United States Environment Protection’ ‘The New Path To Real Estate Wealth by Chantal Howell Carey and Bill Carey’ and ‘Legal Aspects of Owning and Managing Woodlands by Thom Mcevoy’ (United States Environment Protection, 2012). The research resources have been useful in giving noteworthy tips of selling and owing income property through using significant bus iness ideas. For instance ‘learning about lake front property states ways an individual discovers pertinent idea of investing on the properties he/she possess either through buying or selling. Other sources states various ways a person can invest on the properties he/she has to generate maximum profits from them. ... The body section highlights on the importance of dealing with focused renters since they determine whether a business person dealing with the process of buying the property will be successful (United States Environment Protection, 2012). Further, a business entrepreneur ought to focus on incredibly low opportunity when purchasing low cost rental property. The author of the book advises business personnel having 20 to 30 dollars to invest in income property and find a suitable location for the business. On the next part, the section of the discussion states a real life example that states the importance of looking what the future holds; it is important to prepare amicably. The appropriateness and effectiveness of your visual aids The visual aids are important in assisting the audience comprehends the concept of the topic being discussed. Hence, I was forced to use visual aids such as charts; graphs and sign language to express and explain my point out valiantly and easily. For example , the charts had good images that showed the audience the best properties to look for when purchasing them. It is important for them to choose something good that will satisfy them (United States Environment Protection, 2012). The audience were able to see the statistics on the properties discussed easily hence making them aware on the expenditure they apply when purchasing them. The visual aids were attached on a mini billboard that was easy to be shown to the audiences easily. The effectiveness of your presentation The effectiveness of my presentation was that I managed to teach and edify the audience on the topic I was discussing; which was ‘The Positive Points of Owning

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Case study for HNC Social Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case study for HNC Social Care - Essay Example After keeping in view the case history of that woman this component is future to allow populaces to appreciate the behaviour and skills of persons with whom they vocation, therefore the stress be supposed to constantly be on the request of sociological theories and ideas to social care perform and in use them to appreciate behaviour and skills. Personnel ought to be confident all through the coaching and education procedure to be relevant their information and sympathetic to create intelligence of the persons’ life incidents and behaviour. Anywhere likely pictures and requested be supposed to be full from the personnel own knowledge.Sociologists inspect the position of the family in civilization and recognise it as a input social organization. Though, personnel need to appreciate that present are dissimilar sociological move towards to the family, which guide to unrelated finished of its possible power on behaviour, skills and existence probability. For instance in investigati ve the functionalist vision they container seem at the customs in which families have urbanized to get together the desires of civilization, singing a optimistic role in sustaining civilization. They can also seem at how this move toward looks at the optimistic purposed of the family and the reimbursement that it transports to persons. In seeming at disagreement move towards they can scrutinize, for instance, collective move towards which seem at how the family preserves social disparity and utilization of some collections.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Perceptions of Quality in Different Sectors

Perceptions of Quality in Different Sectors What is Quality? Quality is characterized as a standard/gauge/estimation of a specific thing when it is focused with a comparative thing of that kind. To be exact the correlation among level of magnificence of a specific thing with things of comparable kind. Quality assumes a basic part in each industry ideal from little scale to Large-scale Industries. Quality support and confirmation is the thing that each producer ought to be worried. Quality can be defined as an assurance for any product/thing/machine. It lets us compare between the best among the worst. Very product must undergo a quality check to assure they are to people who use them and are environment friendly. In various manufacturing and business industries quality is directly proportional to the customers satisfaction. If the customers are satisfied the reputation/profits of that particular company hits the peaks of the market.The quality of substantial items is generally a straight-forward assurance; for clients, making an examination between physical items involves highlight to-highlight investigation. The challenge for clients, and in this way for associations, lies in assessing administration quality, which maybe the main way clients genuinely separate between one finish item offering and another. Consequently, associations and their advertisers live amazing seeing how shoppers judge benefit quality. Quality doesnt alone relay on the material type used for the product but also relies on the customer satisfaction and their feedback. The beginning target for discourse about quality should fundamentally start with a comprehension of its distinctive measurements and how they are seen. These measurements are uncovered through the different parts of a purchasers collaboration with a supplier and its items or administrations.   FEW EXAMPLES REGARDING QUALITY IN VARIOUS SECTORS For example, in automobile industry, the quality control handle begins much sooner than the principal generation models of a vehicle move off the sequential construction system. At the point when an auto organization discharges another item, they assemble models, which are then tried to discover shortcomings, mechanical issues and different subtle elements that could be moved forward. Once the models have been reviewed and cleaned, the outline goes into generation, where quality control proceeds on the creation line, as well. In the wake of being constructed, every auto is tried for issues like liquid and air releases, mechanical issues and appropriate gathering. Continue perusing to discover exactly how car quality control functions and about the outrageous tests your auto needed to experience before it was permitted to take off. In nursing sector, quality affirmation additionally applies to keeping up reliable principles of practices among nursing staffs, giving chances to proficient advancement and offering disciplinary activities when justified. Associations and people entrusted with quality affirmation in nursing are in charge of creating methods, approaches and decides that advance quality human services for occupants and patients while guaranteeing models of practice are clung to in therapeutic offices. Competency measures are likewise an essential undertaking of value affirmation offices, and assessments of state wide and government practices are thought about. Quality affirmation medical attendants are regularly in charge of researching protests against attendants, filling in as individuals on audit sheets that decide the result of disciplinary cases and, if vital, repudiate, suspend or limit nursing licenses or a medical attendants capacity to rehearse. Quality affirmation faculty work intimately with attendants at medicinal offices to decide best practices for patient care, assess strategies and systems that enhance tolerant care, and break down consistency inside nursing homes as they contrast with different offices and permitting benchmarks. For quality confirmation medical attendants are entrusted with checking and implementing licenses for medical attendants, nurture professionals and nursing experts. REFERENCES: The Perception of Quality   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   George Kenyon-Kabir Sen Deaton, J. P. (2009, October 5). How automotive quality control works. Retrieved January 24, 2017, from Publishing, I. (2017). What is quality assurance in nursing? Retrieved January 24, 2017, from business-finance,

Friday, October 25, 2019

Colors of Slavery Essay -- History Slavery

When Americans think about slavery, they tend to think about "Africans" being brought to the New World against their will. Which upon their arrival were sold, the same as livestock, as permanent property to the white landowners. They may visualize in their minds a person of color shackled, chained, beaten, and forced to labor under the control of their white master. Their picture is that of chattel slavery; black and white. Americans have come to the assumption that slavery was imposed on people of one color or race. However, the Africans were not the only people force to endure the harsh and unjust enslavement by the white society. The Native Americans, as well as indentured servants were used as slaves in the New World. When slavery began in the New World, the color of a person's skin was of little significance. Slaves were white, red, and black. What mattered most was a labor force. Columbus discovered the New World (America) in 1492, soon after, many other European colonies followed and expanded. One Spanish conquistador stated, "that he and his kind went to the new World to serve God and his Majesty, to give light to those who were in the darkness, and to grow rich, as all men desire to do" (Parry, p.33). The majority of Europeans that would follow, desired the same. In order to achieve this goal the Europeans murdered, starved, enslaved, stole land, and brutalized people for centuries to follow. During Columbus second voyage to the New World, he had captured 1600 Native Americans, and enslaved 550. At this point, the Native Americans lives were changed forever. The Spaniards continue to explore the new world, leaving a wake of death and destruction in their path. Along with the Europeans came diseases that th... ...s not merely identified by color. By 1800 it is only an issue or race and only an issue of color" (Thomas Davis). . Works Cited (Thomas Davis). Quoted in J.H.Parry, The age of Reconnaisance: Discovery, Exploration, and Settlement, 1450 to 1640 (New York, 1963), p.33. (equiano) Prescott, History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic, edition of 1838, i, p. 390; ii, p. 40. Witnessin America pg. 30 Gottleib Mittelberger Blight, D.W. A People and a Nation: A History of the United States. Houghton Mifflin Company; 6th edition (2000) Walsh, Robert, Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829 (1831). "Aboard a Slave Ship, 1829," EyeWitness to History, (2000).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pygmalion and Pretty Woman Essay

The relationship between the texts you have studied and their respective cultural context is significant because it provides insight into the way values have been maintained and changed. Discuss with reference to the text from the past and it’s appropriation. The intended audience of both Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw and Pretty Woman, directed by Garry Marshall was the mass of society at the time of composition. This is seen through the choice of the form of each text, Pygmalion is a play because in the early twentieth centaury this was the popular way of spreading ideas and Pretty Woman is a Hollywood film, a current form of mass media today. Because both texts were aimed at the majority of society they each must represent the views of their cultural context to be popular, which both texts proved to be. As both texts reflect the cultural views of the context they were composed in, a comparison of the two provides a significant insight into the way specific values have been maintained and changed over time. One of the main values explored in both texts is what each society believes to be the ‘perfect’ woman. By comparing the way these women in both texts are presented, we are given an insight into the changing status of women over time. In English society in the early 1900’s women were seen as inferior to men and were often stereotyped in the sense of the clothes they wore, how they spoke and how they presented themselves, rather than their personality. Women’s inferiority is seen in Higgins and Eliza’s unequal relationship, Higgins is clearly presented as the master and owner of Eliza as he ‘buys’ her from her father and treats her as a â€Å"live doll†. Eliza is almost objectified by Higgins, representing the sexism present in the 1900s. She is seen as the ‘perfect woman’ by society only when she has been transformed to a dignified, well spoken, beautiful lady of high society. This is seen through the differing reactions to Eliza by the Eynsford Hill family when she is a flower girl, compared to when she is a ‘duchess’ . The position of women in society has changed a great deal over the last  centaury and the contemporary post-feminist society is believed to provide and equal playing field for all. Women and men are seen as equals socially as well as by law and in the workforce. This is seen in the portrayal as Vivian as the heroine in the film who, although she is still beautiful, is individual, independent and has a certain instinctive intelligence, she is seen as ideal for these personal qualities. Another view explored in both texts is the complicated system of hierarchal social classes and bridging the gap or breaking the barrier between these classes. Late nineteenth – early twentieth centaury English society had a rigid class system with the idea of upper, middle and lower classes that were based upon birthright. At the time Pygmalion was composed however, the system had begun to change as the growing middle class was beginning to rise up through the social hierarchy due to wealth. This is portrayed in the play when Mr. Doolittle becomes rich and rises the ladder into â€Å"middle class morality†. Shaw is deeply satirical of these social classes as is seen in how Eliza can easily rise herself to upper class and her statement to Higgins at the end of the play of â€Å"I had only to lift my finger to be as good as you† clearly makes his view clear that the social barriers are superficial. Pretty Woman was written in the late 1980’s, a decade known as the â€Å"greed is good† decade were social class was based solely upon wealth, apart from in the global community were both ethnicity and wealth both play a role. Social hierarchy is more flexible as any one can rise to what is seen as higher society through the gaining of money, not through the class they were born into. Prejudice between the classes is seen when the shop assistants refuse to serve Vivian on Rodeo drive. However as the movie is aimed at the â€Å"all day average American† one typically of the middle class, mistreatment of wealth or greed is seen as a bad thing. Seen in the portrayal of Edwards work partner Stukie who because of his attempts to increase the size of his company and his unfaithfulness to his wife is seen as superficial and by  Edwards’s sad comment to Vivian: â€Å"we both screw people for money†. The audience instead sympathises with Vivian, who all though is of low class is still seen as the favoured character because of her personality. This demonstrates the modern disregard for social class, which is a value that has changed over the past one hundred years. The major observation that can be made of both texts and which demonstrates changing values over time is in the conclusion of each story. Shaw was determined to give Pygmalion an anti-romantic ending, meaning the play did not conclude as a romantic comedy should, with the main female and male characters falling in love. His reasoning is that Eliza has achieved independence and no longer wishes to be seen as Higgins belonging, as well as that â€Å"his relation to her is too godlike to be altogether agreeable†. This reflects not only Shaw’s strongly feministic views but the need for more equal gender relationships at the time and the publics preferred choice of a more believable conclusion over a romantic one. Popular thinking at the time believed that people married within their class and Higgins’s dismissal of love as a â€Å"life of the gutter† demolishes any dream-like romantic world. The conclusion of Pretty Woman was specifically designed to suit the mass market romantic comedy genre and to appeal to today’s romance obsessed society. The conclusion of Vivian and Edward falling in love and meeting symbolically half way in the fire escape is a typically â€Å"Hollywood† ending and highly unrealistic. To make the movie popular with a wide audience Marshall has created a fairytale ending when Vivian is â€Å"rescued by her prince† as she has always dreamed of. This constitutes the happy ending of a typical romantic comedy and reflects how today’s media has moulded society into having idealistic romantic perceptions. Both texts were popular culture of their time and thus reflect the common ideals and values of the context in which they were created. By studying the relationships between each text and their cultural context we can compare both texts to reveal the way certain views, in this case romanticism, the role of women and social classes, have changed over time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intro to ethics Essay

The career field that I have chosen is public relations which also has a focus in journalism. Since journalism is often known as the 4th government branch because it watches over the actions of the other branches there are many controversial issues involved which required applied ethics to work through. Business ethics can be seen very strongly in public relations and journalism because there are often conflicts between advertisers which is here the largest amount of revenue comes from and editorial. For example, an article may be getting ready to run about how someone was killed by a person who illegally obtained a gun. The article may spark some gun control arguments and opinions. In the same issue of the paper there might be a firearm store placing a large display advertisement for a sale they are having. There is a dilemma there that will need applied business ethics to decide what to do. Do they run both anyways, or stick with the advertiser and trim down the details of the article so there is not as much focus on gun control? There are legal rights issues that required applied ethics reasoning also associated with public relations and journalism. There are certain details and name and things that can only be printed based on specific things such as a person being certain age and circumstances. Some areas consider it illegal to print in the obituaries that someone committed suicide. Sometimes though if it is a public matter that many people witnessed it is had to avoid printing that a suicide occurred without people know there is information being with held. In addition to this there is also always the possibility of sources being incorrect and the information you print being libelous to someone. Finally there is computer and information ethics in applied ethics. This category can be seen in public relations and journalism in much the same way as legal issues with being slanderous or libelous to someone or a company. Depending on what sources one use there may be false information coming from the computer and information. A professional in public relations of journalism has to take the responsibility to fact check and check the credentials of the sources they are using. The responsibility to check facts does not lay with the source, but with the journalist. If they received incorrect information that could have been spotted if fact checking was done they are negligent and can face very serious consequences. Fact checking cannot only hurt the legally, but also ethically. The people, businesses and other things that are written about are affected deeply. Sometimes there has to be a choice made as to whether a story is worthy of printing if it is going to harm someone or someone’s family members. Most of the time the ethical choices that have to be made in public relations and journalism stem from not which side of a topic to be on, but what to put out to the public on topics. For example, even if a reporter feels that abortion is completely wrong they cannot express this opinion. They have to write for both sides just giving the facts to what things each side says. They could be thinking abut writing to persuade people on why abortion is wrong, but the ethical decision is to step back and understand where both sides of the argument are coming from.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ACT Prep Methods Pros and Cons of Each

Secret Truths of SAT / ACT Prep Methods Pros and Cons of Each SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You know it's a great idea to prep for the SAT and ACT. After all, for most students it's the most time-efficient way to increase their college admission chances. However, there are so many ways to prep for the test out there what's the best way for you? Obviously, some methods will be better than others, but it's also the case that some methods are overall not very good. Quite frankly, every single SAT / ACT prep method has certain strengths. For some students, tutoring is by far the best while, for others, self-study is clearly optimal. Which one to choose depends on your circumstances and budget, but it’s quite simple to figure out. Pay careful attention because finding the right prep method for you is by far the highest leverage choice you can make to improve your SAT / ACT score. If you choose correctly, you may never again have to worry about test scores. The follow through will be easy, and the point improvements will be quick. Some say half the work is just getting started. I disagree half the work is getting started correctly. Introduction I’ve had personal experience in helping thousands of students study for the SAT. This means that I have a lot of experience and exposure to both the best and the worst prep methods. Name any test prep method, and I’ve probably mentored at least a dozen students who’ve tried it. For each method, I can tell you exactly what worked and didn’t. The â€Å"all iPhone ACT prep† method? The â€Å"binge SAT practice tests† method? The â€Å"six separate private tutors† method? I’ve seen them all, both the success and the carnage, and I can tell you exactly which methods work for which students. To top that off, I’ve developed many test prep methods myself. The first test prep method I made was back in 2003 for myself. When I got 200 points lower than I wanted on the SAT, I sat down and carefully developeda strategy that eventually got me a perfect score and admissions into Harvard. Today, as cofounder of PrepScholar, I’ve written ACT and SAT prep methods for my students, helping them improve their scores sometimes as much as 300 points on the SAT and 5 points on the ACT, or more. All this has taught me the importance of one single point: If you are going to actually improve your ACT and SAT scores, you need to choose the method that best fits your style! You see, like a boat setting sail, a small correction at the start means a big difference in where you end up. If you head in the right direction now, it can save you weeks of agony later on. Prepping the wrong way will totally waste your time and money. You’ll be hosed if you self-study but have no insight on how to improve. You’re also sunk if what you really need is to focus on a couple of areas, but you make the mistake of taking a small group class. The wrong prep can make you feel hopeless and doubt whether you can ever improve your SAT and ACT scores. That’s the bad news. The good news is you really can learn what method is best for you if you have an expert like me (or anyone else with as muchexperience) willing to debunk the topic and take the mystery out of it for you. Students, parents†¦ start your engines! You are, as promised, going to learn the real pros and cons of the different prep methods. Tutoring Is tutoring the best prep method across the board? After all, it costs the most usually running into three or four digits the same cost as a year of tuition at many good public universities! At that price, tutoring must be good, right? I’ve worked with hundreds of tutoring students as well as tutored many students myself in ACT and SAT prep, and I can debunk the myths for you. Pros If all goes well, tutoring is indeed the very best prep you can get. When things go well, your tutor will not only be a great scorer on the SAT / ACT, but your tutor will also be vetted to be a great teacher. It's not enough to have a tutor who only scores well on standardized tests; they also must be able to explain their methods in a way that helps you perform well too. When things go well, tutors will sit with you one-on-one and actively diagnose your errors. They’ll look at your specific errors, ask you specific questions, and use their expertise to figure out customized strategies. Imagine an expert mechanic asking exactly the right question to find which screw in your car needs tightening and then going in and tightening it the right amount. This is what the best tutors will do for you. There’s also a definite emotional advantage to tutoring. The tutor pays close, specific attention to the student and provides emotional support as well as psychological assurance. If you let the test get inside your head, then tutoring can help. The tutor will build a personal connection and soften the anxiety the student feels in taking the test. Cons But, truth be told, most real cases of tutoring fall short of this ideal. The major issue is finding the right tutor. I’ve seen so many tutors who score less than 1400 on the SAT or less than 32 on the ACT. When you’re scoring this low as a tutor, it reveals serious gaps in base skill content. The tutor probably doesn’t understand the most sophisticated idioms or doesn't know how to answer non-routine math problems quickly. This affects not only students who are aiming for above 1400 out of 1600 on the SAT or 32 out of 36 on the ACT, but alsostudents who are aiming for a more modest score like 1000 or 20. You want a tutor who is much better than you, not just a bit better. If you’re learning to drive, you don’t want to learn from someone who just passed their exam last month you want a professional with years of on-the-road experience. Is score all that matters then? Is the solution to hire a college freshman with a perfect score for $50/hour? No. Even if you find a high scorer, there is still the question of whether the tutor can teach. Tom Brady is one of the best football players but is he the best guy to coach a middle school student who is just getting started with the sport? You might think that a decent professional football player who really understands the struggle of middle-school players would make a better coach and you’d be absolutely right. Teaching is hard. You have to understand each student’s way of thinking and then fix the student’s mistakes. However, many purely high scorers suffer from the curse of knowledge. Doing well on the ACT / SAT is so second nature to many high scorers that they have no idea what it’s like not to understand. These suffering tutors explain the same strategies that worked for them over and over again. Unsurprisingly, on the day scores come out, there’s no increase and everyone is disappointed. Here’s a fact that’ll blow your mind: 75% of tutors are not fully effective for their students. Usually, this is more because they don’t know how to teach and notbecause their score is too low. How to Make It Effective The best way to fight against this is to get a good reference. Like lawyers and doctors, the best way to find a good tutoris to get a close friend to tell you who worked for them. Make sure that your referrer’s situation is the same as yours: if your student is scoring high, you don’t want a reference from a low-scorer with a learning disability who may have had different struggles than your student If you don’t have a close reference, an equally good option is to hire a tutor through a company. A reputable company itself acts as the best reference possible. A company like ours has incredibly high standards. We select our tutors through rigorous mock sessions. Our interviewers are tutoring stars themselves. Finally, we keep on grading our tutors monthly to ensure continuing quality, and we match each student to the best tutor for them. We’re not the only company that provides tutors out there, but you definitely want to get a match from a high-quality company. Here’s a list of questions you must ask the tutoring company: Do you require each tutoring candidate to mock tutor before you hire them? Do you only hire tutors who scored 95%tile or above? Do you only have tutors with previous experience improving scores? Do you screen more than a dozen applicants for each tutor you hire? For us, the answers are all yes, and you’d want any company doing tutoring for you to answer yes to everything above too. I can tell you right now, the top two oldest big names in test prep don’t qualify they’ve grown so old and convoluted that the left hand barely knows what the right hand is doing. Summary Cons of tutoring: Hard to select the right tutor Most expensive test prep option Pros of tutoring: If you choose the right tutor, it’s the most effective prep possible Great tutors can give you personalized diagnosis of your issues as well as emotional attention and enforcement Classes Oh boy, classes are going to be a fun topic for me to talk about. There are just so many stories that you wouldn’t believe! But I’ll get to that in just a moment. First, let me be clear. When I say classes, I mean a physical room (or worse, a Skype virtual room) where one teacher stands at the front and talks to many students at a time. Cons Where did classes go wrong? After all, don’t most students in school learn in classes? Doesn’t it combine the best of all worlds? After all, don’t you get a live person without the cost of a tutor? But when it comes to test prep, classes are a recipe for failure like none other. They’re the perfect storm of two ingredients that create destruction. On the one hand, students come into test prep with vastly different skills. Some students will be scoring 20th percentile; other students will be scoring 80th percentile. Some students really need vocab help; others need to make fewer careless mistakes. On the other hand, classrooms have a fixed curriculum. They teach every student the same sequence of lessons and spend the same amount of time on each topic. Mix them together, and you have the perfect recipe for the least effective way to test prep. What will you be doing in a test prep class? Half the time, you’ll be going over stuff you already know. Already know all of Algebra I? Don’t be surprised if you waste multiple hours getting lectured on how to isolate variables and solve for x. On the opposite front, are you having problems with careless mistakes? Don’t be surprised if your course only spends a couple of minutes talking about how to attack careless mistakes and instead devotes a bunch of time to strategies that couldn’t possibly apply to you. But why do classes work well for school? In school, everyone is up to the same speed. When you took Literature II, everyone in your class had already taken Literature I. When all students are at the same point, the same lessons make sense. With test prep, the exact opposite is true: students come in at vastly different levels and don’t have enough time to catch up during the short course. Trust us, many of us at PrepScholar took classes back in high school (when we were naive), and each one of us hasregretted it. One horror story revolved around a big-name test prep company. The teacher spent three hours reading dictionary definitions of vocab words: â€Å"Timmy do you know what the definition of plethora is?† †¦ â€Å"No, Timmy, that is not right. Katie, do you have an answer?† Imagine that exchange repeated about 90 times and you can imagine how that 3-hour class went. To add insult to injury, many of the biggest names don’t have particularly high standards when it comes to hiring class teachers. Anyone who has a passable resume will get hired. We were literally told this directly by a hiring manager of one of the big-two tutoring company branches. Oh, and did I mention classes still aren't that cheap? They're only slightly cheaper than tutoring but lack many benefits. Classes don’t offer customization and still cost up to $2000. Compare that to our tutoring program that costs less than $2000, and you'll scratch your head wondering why you don't either upgrade to tutoring or save money with a more automated program. Pros I should be fair to classes at this point. There is one type of student classes do work on: If your student has huge motivational issues, and only motivational issues, classes can work. If your student just needs someone to stand over them to get work done, and the qualifications and teaching ability of the person standing over them don't matter, then classes can boost that student’s score. Self Study Self study is the original form of test preparation, and it has some very distinct advantages. First, it’s incredibly cheap free if you do it right and use library books. Students essentially create their own programs and find out what to study and when. Self study can work, and you can find success stories all over the Internet. The first step of a self study program is to identify the right resources. Princeton Review books tend to work best for fast studiers who only want to improve a little, especially by working on test tricks instead of underlying skills. Kaplan is good if you’re mid-range, and Barron’s is the best if you’re at the top and willing to really sink time into getting an even higher score. You then need to self-diagnose your issues by analyzing questions you got wrong on practice tests and training questions. Divide these issues into content holes versus strategy holes. Then, design a study plan to figure out exactly how you will improve up until test day. You absolutely must stick to putting in the hours you promised yourself and revise your study plan as you get more data about what is working and what isn’t. Pros As you can probably see, self studyworks best for a certain set of students. It’s important that you’re self-motivated. If you’ve had a history of being able to plop down hundreds of hours of time to concentrate on a singular goal, then self study might be the right choice for you. If you’re the type of student who gets distracted from time to time or benefits from some external encouragement, you should be careful. Self study also works best for students who are already doing well on the test. They understand enough of the test, and how they have improved in the past, to self-diagnose their issues correctly. Cons It’s very easy, especially if you don’t fit the profile above, to fall by the wayside if you choose to self study. The number one most common mistake is running out of motivation. Like going on a diet, students are a lot more enthusiastic at the start. After tenhours of pounding away at questions, reality sets in. Some students browse YouTube, others skip study days, and still some students grab at any other reason (â€Å"I gotta finish this homework!†) to not study. The second most common reason for self study failing badly is not self-diagnosing correctly. We’ve seen so many self studiers go through a book cover to cover. Most of the material the student probably knows already, and the few pages that really hit upon a weak spot the student glosses over. Other students become obsessed with ways to â€Å"trick† the test and get really into test-taking tactics that don’t actually work for them. Summary on Self Study The end conclusion is that self study can work,and it has producedsome stellar cases you can read about on the Internet. And it is absolutely the cheapest way to study, especially when paired with a library. However, the student does need to be very insightful and self-motivated, and even then there is still a lot of risk involved. Many parents we’ve encountered are confident of their student’s ability to self study. However, often they still invest in help just to be safe after all, it’s their student’s education, their student’s future we're talkingabout here. Some students take pride in self studying, but it’s instructive to ask yourself whether pride or getting the highest score is more important. In the end, for well-qualified students, the decision is a personal one. Online Prep Programs The Internet is more popular now than ever. Budding Internet technologies that were just wisps of ideas in the 1990s are now functional, tested realities. If you’re a parent, you may remember decades ago when we would wait hours to download a tiny file over a noisy modem. Today videos can be streamed live to teach lessons anywhere. I know exactly what you’re thinking. Is online prep for real? The promise of instant access to hundreds and thousands of hours of lessons right in front of you sounds too good to be true. The idea that a machine can pick and choose lessons based on your exact skill level seems too much like science fiction. Can online test prep be the holy grail, or is it just catering to the hype, taking advantage of buzz words? Lucky for you, we at PrepScholar have an exceptional online prep program. What that means is that, in order to develop our product, we’ve done thorough research on every single program out there. We’re here to tell you what works and what doesn’t. First, I want to debunk some myths for you. Online test prep can provide a much better learning experience than usual, but it is not magical learning. If you’re picturing instant, effortless understanding, that’s NOT what online test prep is. Let’s debunk the myths. Here is what online test prep CANNOT do for you: Improve your score without you putting in time Make learning as relaxing as watching a TV show Allow you to learn passively, putting in no effort Improve your score substantially if you have no motivation Eliminate your careless mistakes without you thinking hard about them In fact, no test prep can pull off the magic above! Online test prep is not magic; it can’t get you a 4x improvement (in either efficiency or raw point increase) over the best traditional test prep methods. Anyone claiming revolutionary effortlessness should be seriously examined for whether they’re telling the truth. For quantitative types, a good estimate is that online prep isabout TWICE as good as traditional test prep. In that sense, online test prep can work better! A good online test prep program will: Be comprehensive Diagnose the student’s strengths and weaknesses Assign content lessons based on this diagnosis Keep updating the diagnostics based on student progress Assign strategy lessons based on student performance Let the student know at every single point in time what to work on, whether it’s practice tests, quizzes, lessons, drills, or even taking a break Have exact measures of the student’s skill in every category Motivate the student using progress bars, reminders, and regular parental progress reports If you’ve been following other blog posts about how we recommend students prep for the SAT, you'll have seen that these strategies are strongly recommended even if you are studying on your own. Look around on the Internet and do your own research: You’ll find every high scorer, every high point improver, has used a close variation of the above strategy to achieve their goal. Pros What online test prep does is make the above customization process totally automated so you can put all your hard work into learning and not into stressing about what to do next.It is our strong opinion that the best online prep programs are indeed effective. Another advantage is cost. By letting a computer monitor you and help you, online prep programs are generally a lot more affordable than classroom programs and tutoring. Most online prep programs are twice as affordable (if not more) than classes, and online programs are more effective as well. Finally, another fringe benefit of online prep is you can study anywhere. Students are busy, and studying from a car before soccer practice, or at home if you live away from city center, is very important in encouraging students to put in the right hours. Cons One strong warning about online test prep programs though: You absolutely must choose the right one. Many online test programs are just riding on hype and haven’t invested much in their program. One online prep program by a big-name test prep company costs hundreds of dollars. You take a one-time diagnostic, and then you get an e-book with certain sections highlighted. Here’s the kicker: The e-book is the same as the $20 book they sell at Barnes and Nobles. I personally asked this program’s saleslady about whether this method was good, and she frankly told me, â€Å"Yeah, almost no students finish this program.† I was shocked they would market such a program. Another â€Å"boutique test prep company† started by a celebrity tutor had an online test prep program that was literally just a PDF. No customization, no progress reports. You pay a few hundred bucks, and all you get is access to a site with a PDF. My jaw dropped. Bad online test prep programs offer only token customization, no guidance, and no motivation. They’re no better than e-books. In fact, many programs are actually literally that: an e-book! Note From Our Experience: At PrepScholar, we’ve created a prep program that succeeds in all the ways we described above. It’s based on our founders’ own study methods from when they got their perfect SAT scores and 99th percentile ACT scores. These methods have been improved over time with the thousands of students they’ve taught. Our complete online prep program guides you through a structured study plan from beginning to end. You start by taking adiagnostic exam, and we automatically determine your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics. Next, we create a customized study plan for you, assigning you the right lessons and practice questions to work on every week. For example, if you always ace the math section but need help with tricky grammar, your study plan will explain grammar rules carefully and won’t waste your time with math problems you already understand. We track your progress and automatically adjust your schedule so that you’re always workin g on what’s best for you. We also integrate real practice tests into your program, so you get training for the real exam. We also go above and beyond the teaching by caring about student motivation. We know that it’s easy for you to get distracted, even if you know that SAT / ACT prep is important. That’s why we send out progress reports every week to you and your parent, so you know you’re on track. We also help you fit prep into your schedule and commit to your study times. These features have been proven to increase study time by over 200%, leading to better score results. What's Next? You have many choices when it comes to test prep, and each methodhasspecific strengths and weaknesses. Tutoring is great for it’s effectiveness, although you can face problems finding theright tutor and affordingits high cost. Classes are generally not very effective, but they can be good for students who need just monitoring. Self-study is very effective when done right, but it requires motivation, insight, and getting it right. While each method has strong and weak points, that doesn’t mean the methods are created equal for example classes are usually a bad deal, whereas self-study often works. And, of course, everyone today should be seriously considering online prep. It’s an affordable method that can lead to better results than self-study and textbooks. However, only some online programs are actually effective. At PrepScholar, we avoid the mistakes that other programs make and deliver a comprehensive prep program specifically designed to maximize your score. Further Reading Thinking about tutoring? Check out our guide to learn if online tutoring is right for you. Want to get started on your test prep?We have great tips to help you boost your SAT score orACT score. Are you aiming for a top score?Read our guides to getting a perfect score on the SAT or a perfect score on the ACT, written by a full-scorer of both exams.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cinematic Critique essays

Cinematic Critique essays Cinematic Critique Laura Mulvey and Walter Benjamin are film critics who base their thoughts on established theory. Ms. Mulvey uses a psychoanalytic approach while Benjamin utilizes a political and economic view based on Marxist theory. In his statement, "If the natural utilization of productive forces is impeded by the property system, the increase in technical devices, in speed, and in the sources of energy will press for an unnatural utilization proof that society has not been mature enough to incorporate technology as its organ, that technology has not been sufficiently developed to cope with the elemental forces of society" he allows that society utilizes technology, including cinema, to incorporate political agenda. Ms. Mulvey would argue that it was based on gender politics while Mr. Benjamin would Ms. Mulvey disagrees, viewing psychoanalytic theory as a political weapon that demonstrates the unconscious reflection of patriarchal society within the structure of film. For her, technology is the tool while Mr. Benjamin would argue that technology provides the structure. They would, however, agree that film represents historical reality based on current interpretation. Both would agree that there exists a reflection of oppressed and oppressor within the cinematic representation. The two would agree that art is separate from society in how it is "received and valued" (Benjamin). Visual representation is seen as a bipolar phenomenon by both. Mr. Benjamin views the dichotomy as "cult value and the exhibition value of the work" while Ms. Mulvey would argue the dichotomy as observer and observed. She states, "Although the film is really being shown, is there to be seen, conditions of screening and narrative conventions give the spectator an illusion of looking in on a private world. Among other things, the position ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bpo Attrition- the Problem and Its Solution

Human Resources In Indian Business Process Outsourcing Organizations- Attrition. Is there any solution? Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is likely to be the next big thing for services in this decade. The industry is very diverse, with several sub-segments, each displaying its own unique characteristics. The BPO players need to be excellent in every facet of operations as the market is highly competitive at every level and re-defining itself every day. Being a People-Centric industry what are the people issues that, the HR will have to handle? What are the challenges faced by HR in dealing with them? HI Before this, one needs to gain an understanding about BPOs and what businesses are Indian companies doing in this segment? BPO is based on the premise that whatever competencies are not very important for an organization   (not their core competencies); outsource or ask somebody else who is adept at doing it, to do it for the organization. In this way the organization can concentrate on its core competencies and not worry about on trivial issues, which are not strategic in nature. But these days we even find organizations outsourcing their core competencies or the core business aspects to BPOs to gain the advantage of cost cutting and quality issues. Typically, BPO would include call centers, problem solving in insurance sector to other sophisticated activities like research and other back office dealings. India has the advantage of low cost, highly qualified English speaking labour, thus most of the BPO ventures in India are call centers, although of late, companies are entering into high-end areas like research. But for sometime at least we can assume that most of the companies would be doing the call center kind of business. Most of these kinds of jobs get done in the night in India to account for the 12-hour time lag between US and India. Over a period of time the biological rhythm of the employee changes, causing various kind of disorders like indigestion, fatigue, headaches etc. so the health of the employee is a major concern for the HR, more so because most of them are graduates in their early twenties. In addition the jobs are monotonous, often nerve wracking. So it is a challenge for HR to adequately rotate the jobs of employees and provide them with enough time to refresh, so that they are able to deliver service of highest quality. Although many companies are targeting fresh graduates, they are not able to retain them. Attrition continues to be high 35%. HR has to ensure that a proper career path is chalked out so that graduates increasingly see this area as a potential career for them. Clients in US, UK and other European Countries are very quality conscious and as increasingly complex jobs get outsourced, it becomes important that HR ensures right quality people are selected and the right quality of training is provided to them. This ensures that later they do not face embarrassing time from their clients. There has been enormous requirement in this sector for manpower and huge salaries are up for taking. The times are good for this industry, but one has to keep in mind that this industry is still in its way to figure out in the growth stage. One cannot predict the future so easily and the sour experience of software companies is still fresh in minds. So a little bit of caution is to be exercised in this matter and proper trends have to be forecast by the HR to ensure that they do not go the software way when ultimately the industry stabilizes. Attrition †¦ A major problem rocking the Industry. Some Facts to Ponder about†¦ * 95% companies in the industry have Attrition problems * The small-sized and medium-sized companies loose more people * Turnover rates are as high as 30% in some reputed BPOs and over all around 35% in the Industry. Employees move to smaller companies for exciting opportunities and greater identity and move to large companies for defined roles, clearer career paths and better HR systems. Loyalty towards their employer or towards the organization has slowly seems to have disappeared. Executives know that fast-moving markets require fast-moving organizations that are continually refreshed with new talent, and they have become quite adept to outside hiring. Even companies are quite comfortable with bringing in talent; they remain distinctly uncomfortable about seeing talent leave. The competition to headhunt employees with good performance ratings of other organizations is an open ploy. The mediators (so called Consultants) make this job easy for the organizations by gaining the data bases of employees and they lure the employees by offering huge pay packages finally making them to move from their job. One of the biggest assets of the BPO Industry is manpower. So, the biggest challenge in this industry is to attract and retain knowledgeable manpower. Today, BPO companies are facing a shortage of knowledge workers because the rate at which they lose employees is almost ouble the rate at which they hire. A major proportion of the turnover issue is attributed to the movement of manpower to the Companies who lure them by offering either better pay or higher designation. The average stay of an employee in bpo companies has dropped to one year. In such a scenario where companies are fighting to combat global business competition, and struggling to survive, employee turnover comes as a double blow. And the issue of managing employee separation often gets ignored. Just because a business is dependent on Communication skills, for instance, doesnt mean that it has to go to great lengths to retain its employees. If theres a large pool of people with good communication skills available, it might want to focus on recruitment rather than retention. Moreover, since new hires have lower salaries than long-term employees, the company is able to keep a lid on compensation levels. Cooperating with competitors is another way of dealing with retention. Because of the intensity of talent-war, companies instinctively view retention and recruitment as competitive exercises. But history shows that cooperation, even among competitors, can be one of the most effective ways of dealing with talent shortages. A New concept called Anti Poaching agreement between BPO organizations is on the Move. According to this agreement, the parties getting in to the agreement will share their employee databases with each other and so will restrain employees to shift in to each other companies. Lets hope that this works good for the BPOs. Frequent job-hopping of employees is not good for any one, neither for the company nor for the employee in terms of Growth.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Importance of Sales Force for Promoting the Business Activities Assignment - 2

The Importance of Sales Force for Promoting the Business Activities - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that Saxon Plumbing Services London Ltd (SPSL) is a plumbing service providing company established in the year 2000. The business operations of the company are directed by two brothers who are Peter Blair and Harvey Blair. There are around 40 employees working for the company. It is located in South London offering plumbing services to small as well as medium-sized retailers, insurance companies and manufacturers. The company possesses a better image and provides superior quality products or services in the market segments. In this respect, it has been observed that the gross profit of the company is around  £1.2 million.   SPSL with its new office in Manchester is required to adopt certain promotional techniques with the objective of executing its business activities in an efficient manner. Moreover, the company has adopted promotional tools such as website, newspaper and word-of-mouth communication. In this regard, the company has pro posed to adopt business-to-business (B2B) marketing with the intention of developing the healthier relationship with its customers. Moreover, the company has planned to acquire B2B with the aim of building the better relationship with its clients and customers. In future, the company also might decide to acquire Business-to-Consumer (B2C) marketing with the intention of improving the effectiveness of their business activities. SPSL with the utilization of the sales force will be able to develop the better relationship with clients or customers. The company with the assistance of sales force will be effective in conveying the message of the company as well as in building an enhanced image in the market segments. The incorporation of the sales force will assist the company in communicating with customers as well as acquiring important information in relation to their attitude towards the products or services of the company. The sales force will enable SPSL in developing and maintainin g a healthier relationship with customers.

Advantage and diadvantage of Internet Banking Services and driving Essay

Advantage and diadvantage of Internet Banking Services and driving forces of its prosperity - Essay Example ent of the internet banking, there have been major changes and improvements in the overall banking experience and now customers can complete all transactions from the comfort of their homes (Cronin, 1997). With the current times, where almost everyone is so busy, this service is like a boon. Internet banking has grown with times and in the current times; this is regarded to be safe, secure and very beneficial to all. This system has enabled people to save a lot of time and allows the overall banking experience to be improved to a great extent. According to Comptroller’s Handbook (1999), â€Å"internet banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products and services through personal computer†. Although the term is used on a daily basis, a number of people have not tried out the internet banking, for several reasons. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of online banking and a number of factors that impact the overall growth of the concept (Shah & Clarke, 2009). This paper aims at discussing the advantages and disadvantages of internet banking and also aims at discussing the various factors that impact the performance and prosperity of the internet baking. The next section will detail the major advantages and disadvantages of online banking. Having understood a brief about internet banking, it is essential to gain a brief overview of the advantages of Internet banking. Firstly, the most important advantage of online baking is the convenience. Online banking permits people to transact from any place in the world and permits people to make transactions at their own convenient time and from the comfort of their own home. Hence the advent of internet banking has permitted users to handle their finances at anytime and from anywhere. Secondly, the internet banking is very time efficient and fast. Here the users can complete transactions at very high speeds and with almost no waiting (Cronin,

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

International Business - Essay Example ote that the financial markets do not often work best when they are left alone and as such there shall be some intervention by the government in the form of regulations. This argument becomes more pertinent in the wake of current financial crisis which many believe is a direct result of a de-regulated and highly independent financial system. The globalization of finance therefore is something which is now considered as something which may not be entirely good for the national and international economies. There can be many reasons that have culminated into the present crisis and as such governments tackled this issue more swiftly. However, question still remains as to why such episodes of extreme crisis happened despite the fact that financial system was considered as safe and sound before the emergence of the crisis. Most apparent reason for the financial crisis was labeled as the sub-prime mortgage crisis which resulted into defaults by the sub-prime borrowers on their mortgage obligations with the financial institutions. The process of securitization further added the fuel to this whole drama because most of the financial institutions, through their special purpose vehicles, securitized their mortgage portfolios and tied the cash flows received from their subprime mortgage portfolio with that of the securitized securities. This mismatching of the cash flows therefore resulted into the credit crunch and extension of credit to private sector therefore was reduced causing the credit crunch and started the chain reaction for the current financial crisis. What is also significant to understand that the craze of securitization increased a lot as many countries started to use this process in potentially more speculative dimensions? The spreading of the securitization however, made this process more complicated and as such very few had the capability to understand as to how the process of securitization is interconnected with each other across the markets and what can

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American culture has infiltrated and marred China culture Essay

American culture has infiltrated and marred China culture - Essay Example It is much easier for American culture to infiltrate as compared to Chinese culture. Considering that English is the language of communication in America and many other countries across the world, the American culture has a much greater possibility of infiltrating Chinese culture than the vice versa. One impediment to the infiltration of Chinese culture across the word is the language. The Chinese language still has a very small presence across the world and this, therefore, limits the spread of the culture. Similarly, many people are still much reluctant to appreciate and fully accept Chinese culture as part and parcel of their daily operations (Sanvictores, 96). It is indeed true that American culture has infiltrated and marred Chines culture in many parts of the world. As China seeks to create a strong presence especially in the developing world, it encounters a series of challenges in relation to American culture. Part of this cultural hindrance arises out of the common assumption that American culture is superior to most of the other cultures. In this case, people might always want to be associated with this form of culture and not really the Chinese culture (Sanvictores, 56). In addition, America has greatly mastered the art of cleverly spreading its culture and making many people adopt some of the things it deems proper. In China today, many people are greatly trying to adopt the western way of life by learning English and practicing some of the cultural practices realized in America.

The Respiratory System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Respiratory System - Assignment Example Lungs and open airways are the fundamental components of human respiration. Air gets into and leaves the body via the nose. The nasal lining is has hairs and a mucous lining that helps to filter out solid particles that are contained in the inhaled air. Air moves to the pharynx from the nasal cavity. Pharynx opens to larynx which is an air way and the esophagus that leads to the stomach. At this point, an epiglottis closes the respiratory tract when swallowing food to prevent it from entering the respiratory system by way of trachea (Starr & McMillan, 2012). Trachea divides into two major airways referred to as bronchus, with each entering one lung. Bronchi further divide in the lungs to form several bronchioles. The bronchioles have air sacs referred to as alveoli. Each lung is made up of approximately 150 million alveoli. Through these air sacs is where air exchange between lungs and blood circulation system takes place. Oxygen that has been inhaled crosses the thin walls of the alveoli to the blood supply system. Carbon dioxide that has been collected from all body organs also crosses this wall from the circulation system to lungs so that it is expelled from the body via the nose (Starr & McMillan, 2012). Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse depending on their difference in concentration. Surface area in addition to partial pressure difference across the alveoli are the two major factors that affect the number of gas molecules that can move into and out the lungs in a given period of time. Hemoglobin present in red blood cells helps to facilitate the process of air exchange. Molecules of hemoglobin bind oxygen in the lungs where there is a high concentration of oxygen. Blood carries hemoglobin with bound oxygen to various body organs (Starr & McMillan, 2012). In the body tissues, oxygen concentration is low as compared to concentration within blood

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

International Business - Essay Example ote that the financial markets do not often work best when they are left alone and as such there shall be some intervention by the government in the form of regulations. This argument becomes more pertinent in the wake of current financial crisis which many believe is a direct result of a de-regulated and highly independent financial system. The globalization of finance therefore is something which is now considered as something which may not be entirely good for the national and international economies. There can be many reasons that have culminated into the present crisis and as such governments tackled this issue more swiftly. However, question still remains as to why such episodes of extreme crisis happened despite the fact that financial system was considered as safe and sound before the emergence of the crisis. Most apparent reason for the financial crisis was labeled as the sub-prime mortgage crisis which resulted into defaults by the sub-prime borrowers on their mortgage obligations with the financial institutions. The process of securitization further added the fuel to this whole drama because most of the financial institutions, through their special purpose vehicles, securitized their mortgage portfolios and tied the cash flows received from their subprime mortgage portfolio with that of the securitized securities. This mismatching of the cash flows therefore resulted into the credit crunch and extension of credit to private sector therefore was reduced causing the credit crunch and started the chain reaction for the current financial crisis. What is also significant to understand that the craze of securitization increased a lot as many countries started to use this process in potentially more speculative dimensions? The spreading of the securitization however, made this process more complicated and as such very few had the capability to understand as to how the process of securitization is interconnected with each other across the markets and what can

The Respiratory System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Respiratory System - Assignment Example Lungs and open airways are the fundamental components of human respiration. Air gets into and leaves the body via the nose. The nasal lining is has hairs and a mucous lining that helps to filter out solid particles that are contained in the inhaled air. Air moves to the pharynx from the nasal cavity. Pharynx opens to larynx which is an air way and the esophagus that leads to the stomach. At this point, an epiglottis closes the respiratory tract when swallowing food to prevent it from entering the respiratory system by way of trachea (Starr & McMillan, 2012). Trachea divides into two major airways referred to as bronchus, with each entering one lung. Bronchi further divide in the lungs to form several bronchioles. The bronchioles have air sacs referred to as alveoli. Each lung is made up of approximately 150 million alveoli. Through these air sacs is where air exchange between lungs and blood circulation system takes place. Oxygen that has been inhaled crosses the thin walls of the alveoli to the blood supply system. Carbon dioxide that has been collected from all body organs also crosses this wall from the circulation system to lungs so that it is expelled from the body via the nose (Starr & McMillan, 2012). Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse depending on their difference in concentration. Surface area in addition to partial pressure difference across the alveoli are the two major factors that affect the number of gas molecules that can move into and out the lungs in a given period of time. Hemoglobin present in red blood cells helps to facilitate the process of air exchange. Molecules of hemoglobin bind oxygen in the lungs where there is a high concentration of oxygen. Blood carries hemoglobin with bound oxygen to various body organs (Starr & McMillan, 2012). In the body tissues, oxygen concentration is low as compared to concentration within blood

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Green Eyed Monster Essay Example for Free

Green Eyed Monster Essay As I got closer to the massive, muddy, mysterious green eyed monster, his one eye took the whole of his face. In the jungle of Africa where the atmosphere was silent, I heard a loud growl in the silent, small, smelly jungle. I never reacted to the loud growl. I thought it was a lorry or something but as I got closer to the monster, it had his gigantic mouth opened, as if it was a part of the jungle and it was camouflaged, so it would blend in with the trees of the jungle. This is a very famous place. People from all around the world have visited this mysterious jungle in Africa. I have read about this place, it is in the south of Africa, which has lots of gold, so many countries are linked to this continent. Why is it called the green eyed monster? My opinion on ‘’why is it called a green eyed monster’’ is that It’s green and it only has one eye, which is very spooky, so it makes people who have not seen a one eyed monster before so it makes them want to see the green eyed monster. That is my opinion on why it is called a green eyed monster. The green eyed monster is about 5ft wide and 4ft long it has massive feet which are about 1.5ft wide and 1ft long and his one eye covers  ¾ of his face which is a lot of space. His huge eyes are filled with blood, which is dripping every second to the ground and it makes a really loud dripping noise. I could smell the sweat and the horrible smell of the green eyed monster I could also taste a horrible taste in my mouth which reminds me of a monster which has lived there for many years and hasn’t had a bath or a shower. I have read about the green eyed monster and the history of it is really interesting. It was used to carry 500 tonnes of gold in Africa many years ago. It was also used for public transport. It could carry 700 people to one place and back within 5 minutes, which normally, on a lorry or bus, it would take around 45 minutes. It would probably take the space of 20 football pitches but as we now know it would only take around 4 pitches due there being very less people ; the green eyed monster would have probably killed them or eaten them so I have read there are no people in the space of 400 miles. I have also read that there was a blue eyed monster and there are many rumours going around such as (the green eyed monster is the blue eyed monster but It hasn’t had anything to eat for 6 months so it turned blue due to the starvation.) I have also heard that green eyed monster had a son and it was called the blue eyed monster. As we can see the green eyed monster has only one eye therefore it has to be related to the blue eyed monster. As we got closer to the green eyed monster it had developed and made his growl louder and his mouth was shining so bright you could go blind looking at it for more than 5minutes. It was like seeing green stars and suddenly it collapsed and it was not breathing or growling, but I got closer and I couldn’t hear anything so there is no green eyed monster.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Community Engagement on Urban Planning: Case Study

Impact of Community Engagement on Urban Planning: Case Study Case Study: Johor Bahru (Iskandar, Malaysia) Essay Topic:  How do the social, environmental, economic and political processes observed within your chosen case-study city interplay with each other, producing distinct spatial outcomes and giving rise to specific planning policy issues and responses? INTRODUCTION Johor Bahru (Iskandar Malaysia), is the main development corridor in the State of Johor, Malaysia which has been established on 30 July 2006 and administered by Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA). The location of Iskandar Malaysia is perfect as South Johor has always been a strategic and important area in the history and development of Malaysia and its surroundings. Today, this well diversified economy, built around Johor’s capital, Johor Bahru, and its surrounding areas, has made South Johor Malaysia’s the second most important metropolitan. Johor Bahru is well connected with its outlaying urban centres and residential townships, in particular Pasir Gudang, Tebrau, Tampoi, Skudai and Kempas, as it is surrounded by Jalan Lingkaran Tengah (Inner-Ring Road). It is also a major employment and financial service centre serving its hinterland. This essay will first look into the definition of community engagement in urban planning and subsequently it will examines the effectiveness of community engagement regarding the approaches in urban planning and development process, specially looking at the development of Johor Bahru (Iskandar Malaysia) Transformation Programs, as the case study. Southern Johor has been able to leverage on its proximity to an international hub and the large markets of Singapore and Indonesia, as well as China and India. It has developed successful clusters around electronics, logistics, food and agriculture, tourism, as well as oil and petrochemicals industries. Moreover, Johor has a rich supply of natural resources and human capital, which will continue to underscore its future prospects. THE INTERACTION The purpose of this integrated synthesis essay is to demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between the four types of processes you studied in the Pillars of Planning module within the same city. Which processes seem to have been dominant in shaping the development trajectory of the city over the past decades and at present? What linkages, tensions and contradictions exist between the four different types of dynamics? The state of Johor is our country’s second most important conurbation thanks to its strategic location that is close to the thriving markets of Singapore and Indonesia, and in the centre of some of the world’s busiest routes. On top of that, it is rich with natural and human resources. In recent years, however, Johor has been facing increasing competition for capital, human resources and ideas, proliferated by globalisation and advancement of technology. In 2005, the Federal Government and the Johor State Government decided to adopt a more focused and developmental approach to the South Johor region. The aim was to leverage on the region’s strengths, including competitively priced land, strategic geographic location, industrial base and connectivity as well as its cost structure, while ensuring that Johoreans continue to enjoy its social cohesion. Based on the key objectives set up for the region, Iskandar Malaysia will: à ¢-  Be international – the centre of transportation, information, quality living, culture, shopping and tourism; à ¢-  Have sustainability environmental objectives are, and will be, given equal consideration to economic and social objectives; à ¢-  Focus on promoting development within the identified growth boundary, development corridors and the existing urban footprint; à ¢-  Have economic growth driven by identified key economic clusters concentrated at identified growth nodes. Based on these principles, the Comprehensive Development Plan for South Johor Economic Region 2006-2025 (CDP) will have the following features: à ¢-  Ensure the rights of the Federal and State Governments under the Federal Constitution are preserved, specifically Johor’s constitutional rights on land matters. à ¢-  Emphasise on sustainable development, conservation of the environment and equitable distribution of the benefits of growth among the local population. à ¢-  The creation of a â€Å"one-stop fast track mechanism agency† where Federal and State Government agencies will work seamlessly to provide a facilitative environment for investors and consumers. à ¢-  The creation of an investor-friendly environment by facilitation of matters related to immigration, education, tax and land as well as close liaison with local authorities. The masterplan will also address some of the key risks that have hampered regional development in the past, including uncoordinated and duplicative development, excessive speculation of value of private assets and potential marginalisation of the local population. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA: COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Secondly, the synthesis essay should briefly consider how this interplay between these processes produces distinct spatial outcomes or policy issues, which are dealt by particular policy responses (planning or otherwise). A spatial ‘outcome’ can be a specific spatial issue or problem: housing shortage, transport congestion, socio-spatial segregation, environmental degradation, urban violence etc†¦ Examples of policy responses should focus on spatial planning, urban and territorial development policies. How do planning interventions and policies try to address those spatial problems, or mediate between the tensions which arise from the four types of dynamics? Try to stand back from your previous work, and look at the bigger picture: think of the four ‘pillars’ as a whole and what they have taught you about your case-study city. A good way to get started about the essay is to imagine you have a guest who comes to visit your city and who knows a bit about planning and spatial development, but knows absolutely nothing about the city in question. How would you summarize to him/her in 5 minutes what are the key factors, processes and actors which have shaped the urban development of that city? What are the most important problems and issues which planners have to deal with at present? How has government responded to that? In the past, Johor has often times played second fiddle to its more prominent neighbour, Singapore but this is expected to change with Iskandar Malaysia and the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). Johor Bahru City Centre (JBCC) to play an important role and has been identified as one of the five catalyst development areas in the Regional Land Use Framework Plan. Under the Iskandar Malaysia development plans, the administrative centre for Johor state has been moved to Kota Iskandar from Johor Bahru, allowing the capital city to focus on its role as a transportation hub and the major gateway into Johor from Singapore. CONCLUSION In conclusion, even though the community engagement has an overwhelming response in the western countries such as the United Kingdom, but the response in Malaysia, especially in Johor Bahru is very low. Simultaneously, the government should create more awareness to the local community to raise their interest to participate in urban planning and development processes. Apart from that, the government also needs to explore a much easier approach facilitate the local community to indirectly involve in the planning process in Malaysia. The community engagement approach should be seen in a wider context, and must not only involve the existing approach that has been set in the planning guidelines, but the government also needs to explore new approaches to spread the awareness among the local community. References Aykroyd, V.R. 2012. Exploring Social Media (Facebook and Twitter) as a Public Participation Tool for Design and Planning. Thesis (MLA) The University of Guelph. Baker, S. 2006. Sustainable Development. Oxon: Routledge Bryer, T.A. 2012. Identifying a Model for Effective Public Participation Using Social Media in Urban Infrastructure Projects. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 31 March 2014]. Chief Minister of Johor. 2013. Chief Minister of Johor Facebook Page: Transformasi Bandaraya Johor Bahru. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 31 March 2014]. Government of Malaysia. 2007. Town and Country Planning Act 2007 (Act 1312). Kuala Lumpur: JPBD (Federal Department of Town and Country Planning). Hashim, H. Abdullah, R. G. 2009. Penglibatan Komuniti Dalam Program Pembangunan Luar Bandar: Kajian Kes di Pusat Pertumbuhan Desa Gedong, Sarawak. Akademika, 77(12), pp.41-67. Ho, C.S., et al. 2013. Year 2012/2013 Annual Report the Project for Development of Low Carbon Society Scenarios for Asian Regions. Johor Bahru: UTM Low Carbon Asia Research Center. IRDA (Iskandar Regional Development Authority). 2014. Iskandar Malaysia. Johor Bahru: IRDA. JPBD (Federal Department of Town and Country Planning Peninsular Malaysia). 2010. National Physical Plan-2. Kuala Lumpur: JPBD. Malaysia Law. 2002. Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172). Kuala Lumpur: International Law Book Services. Mansbridge, J. 1999. On the idea that participation makes better citizens. In: Elkin, S. L. Soltan, K. E., eds. Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, pp. 291-325. Masram, H. 1996. Pencapaian fungsi rancangan tempatan Kes kajian: Rancangan Tempatan Tampoi, Kempas dan Larkin. Skudai: UTM. Mohamad, J. 2004. Meningkatkan keberkesanan penyertaan awam dalam rancangan tempatan. Kawasan kajian: Batu Pahat, Johor. Skudai: UTM. Omar, D. Oliver Ling H.L. 2009. Malaysian Development Planning System: Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan and Public Participation. Asian Social Science, 5(3), pp.30-36. Othman, M. S. 2000. Penyediaan Garis Panduan Perlaksanaan Kerajaan Elektronik (E-Goverment) dari Perpektif Meningkatkan Penglibatan Orang Awam (Public Participation) di dalam Proses Rancangan Tempatan. Kawasan Kajian: Daerah Sentral, Johor Bahru. Skudai: UTM. Rydin, Y. 2011. The Purpose of Planning: Creating sustainable towns and cities. Bristol: The Policy Press. Shirky, C. 2011. The Political Power of Social Media: Technology, The Public Sphere, And Political Change. . [online]. Available from: [Accessed 31 March 2014]. Strange, T. Bayley, A. 2008. Sustainable Development: Linking economy, society, environment. France: OECD Publishing. Tweet. Results for #JBtransformation. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 31 March 2014]. WCED (UN World Commission on Environment and Development). 1987. Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Switzerland: WCED.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Great Grey Owls Essay -- essays research papers fc

Great Gray Owls   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I learned many interesting things by reading this article on great grey owls. I really had no knowledge of this species before I began, but I now have a certain respect for them because of the familiarity I have gained. One interesting aspect of these owls is their hunting methods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The great gray owl is a very aggressive hunter when it finds its prey. â€Å"These owls don’t just pounce, the plunge† (Warren, p.78). First, they locate their prey with the help of their large facial disk that funnels sound to their ears. Then, they tuck their extremely sharp hooked-shaped claws under their chin and torpedo headfirst towards the ground to snatch their next meal. In winter, when there is snow on the ground, the owl plunges into the snow. After a successful dive, it wiggles out from below the surface of the snow and takes its food to a safe spot to eat. These owls are so powerful when they hunt, they can shatter snow crust thick enough to hold a 180 pound person. I don’t think they will be losing too many meals with that kind of force. This hunting technique these owls use gives them a great advantage over other birds in the winter, because others must go to a place where the snow is not so thick. Great gray owls eat a variety of rodents in the lower 48 states, but stick to mostly voles in Canada and Alaska. These small rodents make up 80-90% of their diet. In the winter, adult gray owls can assume up to one-th...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ray Bradburys The Martian Chronicles Essay -- Ray Bradbury Martian Ch

Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If the Martian Chronicles had been written in the 1999’s instead of fifty years ago, many issues and problems would change. Ray Bradbury wrote his book in 1946. In it he wrote about problems such as censorship, man’s cruelty to man, and loneliness. Each issue shows up in one or two of his chronicles. All of his issues affect every one of his characters in many different ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Censorship is a main problem or issue today, and in the book it shows up in one of his chronicles, â€Å"Usher II†. In this chronicle, a man builds a house of Usher. One man points (he was from a group that was against all forms of imagination) out, â€Å"No books, no houses, nothing to be produced which in any way suggests ghosts, vampires, fairies, or any creature of imagination.† Yet in this house he saw all of these things and more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The chronicle also brings up the issue of censoring certain books by authors such as Edgar Allen Poe. The house that is built is based on a house that is in one of Poe’s books. The unimaginative man is ignorant to the facts of Edgar A. P.’s books and does not even recognize the kind of death he was about to face that was directly copied out of a book. If it were to happen today and now, the only books that would be allowed would be schoolbooks, and even those books could not contain theories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That is the way censorship is brought up in the book. Today, however, it affects more than just books. It is used in movies, TV, news, magazines, and the Internet. Words, obscenity, and some vulgar things can be kept from the viewing audience. They can keep certain people, those seventeen and younger from seeing movies, TV, or Internet sites. In the book one character makes a point of saying, â€Å"ignorance is fatal.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Man’s cruelty to man is another issue in the Martian Chronicles that is and was a problem in the real world. In the book, it shows up in three chronicles, â€Å"Ylla†, â€Å"The Off Season†, and â€Å"Way in the Middle of the Air†. â€Å"Ylla† and â€Å"The Off Season† are more of family cruelty, while â€Å"Way in the Middle of the Air† deals more with racism. Both are reasons that people get hurt and even die for no reason. Or for a stupid reason like color or gender.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"Ylla†, Ylla, or Mrs. K., is noticing that her marriage is not as fun as it used to be and her and her husband don’t go out anymore. Bu... live on Mars. His real family had died years before. He was so lonely that he created robots to replace his dead family. He could not handle the fact that his family had died and left him to live alone. Many people, if they could, would bring back their diseased family members, loved but unforgotten.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most people miss family and friends that have moved or died. Some just may be shy and not have friends. Loneliness is something one can’t do anything about. It will happen. You can’t even make a law against it because it is a feeling. Some get over there loneliness by meeting new people, but still others never get over it and live lonely.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All of these issues mentioned are important today and it the book. Some have become better of over the last fifty years; some have become worse. Other issues not chosen affect life and the world too. Although these issues are still a problem, the world is what it is because of the, be that good or bad. Censorship, man’s cruelty to man, and loneliness will affect us even if we are on another planet. However that does not mean that we shouldn’t try to stop the problem. If we work together we can abolish the wrongs of this world!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Labor Systems Essay

There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Music 100 Essay

1. Form in music is different from the form in visual arts because in music it contains a beginning, ending, and the musical events that occur in between. 2. You can describe a composition form on many levels. 3. Binary form have repeated A and B sections usually of the same length. AABB form. Classical music and nursery rhymes are examples of music in binary form. 4. Some of the contexts that call and response is used are socialized interaction, stylized conversation, and imitation. 5. Sonata form is one of the most important forms of the Classical and Romantic periods and remains in use today. It has 3 sections: exposition, development, and recapitulation. There is a progression of events that happen and each section plays a different function in developing the piece. (Hast, pg. 302-303, 2010) 6. The basic blues structure is a twelve bar strophic and made up of stanzas (or verses). The bar is a steady grouping of beats; each of this form is a group of four beats. These bars are further grouped into 3 phrases of 4 bars each. (Hast, pg. 304, 2010) 7. The typical sections of a contemporary North Indian classical instrumental performance are: 1) a three part alap (improvisation), 2) a two-part slow or medium tempo gat (composition), 3) improvisations based on the gat, 4) a fast gat, and 5) improvisations based on the fast gat. (Hast, pg. 312, 2010) 8. The performance or free jazz is different than playing the blues because they do not use the same form.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Billboard Hot Country Songs number-one singles Essay Example for Free

Billboard Hot Country Songs number-one singles Essay Hello my name is Chassidy Mitchem I would absolutely love to be a part of your cosmetology program. I love to do hair and, make up. Doing hair is something I enjoy doing in my free time. It’s a way to get away from people and let my mind explore into better things. I enjoy looking and trying new hair styles and colors. I have done makeup and hair for Homecoming court and Grand March. It would be an absolute dream to get into this school and have some hands on time with the things I love doing while learning more about Cosmetology. Cosmetology is very important to the world because someone will always want their hair done or make up done. Most people only want to go to a professional so they know they will be getting the best of their money. You could also be able to set up your own business around your area. I differ from a lot of my peers because no one really understands the importance of Cosmetology the way I do. Everyone thinks it useless. Cosmetology is just as important as other jobs because someone will always need you. There will always be someone needing their eye brows done or maybe there nails especially during homecoming and prom or even a wedding. I’ve talked to a couple people and got some really interesting opinions. Some people has told me I wouldn’t make it and some people has told me I would, but my motto is â€Å"Never give up, because you never know how close you are to fulfilling your dream.† I plan on getting this degree and opening my own salon and I feel that it will give me knowledge I need to know for success. I learned to do this at a young age and I feel very strong about this career. I believe this will be the field I dedicate myself to. I hope to be attending this college at whatever time the school year would begin Billboard Hot Country Songs number-one singles. (2016, May 06).

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My life experiences as a LPN transition into RN Role Essay

My life experiences as a LPN transition into RN Role - Essay Example The outside world presents major opportunity and only demands for academic qualification in order to enjoy the fruit. Motivation from friends and work mates whom at my time as an LPN where registered nurses drove me to acquire knowledge and match their ability. My interpersonal skills and business ability has drove my desire to achieve the desired goal. Positive remarks from other registered nurses prompted me to inquire about institutions that offered the best services and my selection was best on quality and affordability. While seeking the additional academic credentials, I have endured many challenges. When making decisions, not all who surrounds an individual will be supportive. This was my case, in that some friends took time to discourage my ambitions and toyed around with my ideas. Some termed it as a waste of time and resources. My academic budget was single handedly raised by my immediate family. Working as a LPN was challenging, while practicing most of my colleagues took time to discriminate me because they had better academic qualification. A part from job discrimination I was subject to longer working hours as opposed to my RN colleagues. My religion was my reference whenever I faced challenges; my soft heart to appreciate humankind for who they are drove my ambitions beyond the near future. While pursing nursing my community is at heart. Beyond my academic qualifications and working a reputable organization, I plan to form a foundation that will enable young LPN transition to RN without constraining their budget. It is estimated that children world worldwide die due to lack of medical care. After graduating and acquiring the needed capital to start a foundation, my services will go beyond the boarders and welcome more people to pursue nursing. My aim is to spot and motivate those aiming at joining the fraternity to stay focused. While practicing, I learned how to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 14

Business law - Essay Example In Saudi Arabia, supreme religious councils order how Islamic law should be applied and have authority over legislation. On the other hand, the IUS law is derived from, statutory law, common law, court rules, administrative law, and constitutional law. Statutes provide enactments of legislative bodies of the US and are more specific in dealing with issues than the constitution. Common law, sometimes called case law provides laws or decisions by courts in personal cases. The US’ court system consists of judicial branches of the state and federal governments charged with the interpretation and application of the law. The system is divided into two administrative split systems, the state and the federal, each acting as independent of the legislative and executive branch. It is a dual court system inherited from the colonial period. In comparison, the court system of Saudi Arabia or the Sharia court system includes the basic judiciary of the nation and its lawyers and judges make up the ulema, which is the country’s religious leadership. Besides, there are extra-sharia state tribunals that handle conflicts related to particular royal decrees. The final appeal from both the government tribunals and sharia courts is to the king. All tribunals and courts follow sharia rules of procedure and evidence. However, this system has been criticized for being arcane, slow, and lack of some protection of justice and of being unable of dealing with wor ld issues. The court system in Saudi Arabia has no jury trials and their courts consider few formalities. In the United States, a right to appeal is guaranteed by the statute or an underlying legal or constitutional principle. An appellate court must listen to the appeal. The appeal by permission or leave needs the appellant to get a leave to appeal. In situations like this, the appellate court and the lower court may refuse or grant the appellant’s command to appeal the decision of the